Nutrition and Cleanses
Our nutrition and cleanses programs are built via distance using: Photos, history and Muscle testing protocols built for health assessment and treatment. Any questions let us know. Sessions are pre pay to book a session. $183.50 (we invoice you). 😉 Once that’s done we do up a Nutrition plan with cleanses and body care to help correct and heal the current issues. It takes approx 1.5 hr. (It is not over the phone - we do up the program before we connect). We then discuss the how to feed and deliver on the phone. (20 min) this is booked separately. $25 Phone consult is required only for your first program. After that it’s optional. You buy the feed, herbs, oils, therapy tools etc to complete the program. Programs are usually 4-5 months in length.
Single issues plans can be done is the problem is one focus not the whole horse. $105
Let us know if you would like to book 😁 We require Name Email Phone # to book